Since Feb. 2014
Scientific Editor

Central European Review of Economics and Management (

(formerly Wroclaw School of Banking Research Papers)

Since Jan. 2014
Deputy Editor
Management of Environmental Quality

Since 2009
Scientific Editor
Economic and Environmental Studies (

Since Sept. 2013
Scientific Editor
Central and Eastern European Journal of Management and Economics (

Since Oct. 2012
Lecturer / Researcher (Professor)
WSB University in Wrocław (Poland)

Feb. 1998 – Sept. 2014
Lecturer / Researcher (Professor)
Opole University (Opole, Poland) – professor since 2004.


Oct. 2001 – Sept. 2012
Lecturer / Researcher
International University of Logistics and Transport (Wroclaw, Poland)

Jan. 1994 – Sept. 1999
Lecturer / Researcher
Wroclaw University (Wroclaw, Poland)

1999 – 2012
Consulting, trainings and workshops
CL Consulting I Logistyka Sp. z o.o.