Platje, J.; Kurek, K.A.; Berg, P.; van Ophem, J.; Styś, A.; Jankiewicz, S. Beyond Personal Beliefs: The Impact of the Dominant Social Paradigm on Energy Transition Choices. Energies 2024, 17, 1004.
Paradowska, M., Platje, J. (Johannes), & Suchecka, A. (2024). Polish climate policy in the opinion of young Poles – a pilot survey. Economics and Environment, 87(4), 669, 1-22.
Quintana, D. S. Z., Platje, J., Bernaciak, A., Czekała, M., Will, M., & van Dam, Y. K. (2024). The new ecological paradigm and attitudes towards sustainable business practices – a Mexican case study. Economics and Environment, 87(4), 649, 1-21.
eal Filho, W., Platje, J., Eustachio, J.H.P.P., Hunt, J.D. (2023). Collateral Damage: War in Ukraine Endangers Food Security in Africa. In: Leal Filho, W., Dinis, M.A.P., Moggi, S., Price, E., Hope, A. (eds) SDGs in the European Region . Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives. Springer, Cham.
Platje, J., Hoen, H., Rentera Guerrero, L., & Vargas, F. (2023). Financial Markets as Public Good: Complexity and the Sustainability of Financial Markets. Central European Review of Economics and Management , 7(2), 41-66.
Platje, Johannes (Joost), Markus Will, Monika Paradowska, and Ynte K. van Dam. 2022. “Socioeconomic Paradigms and the Perception of System Risks: A Study of Attitudes towards Nuclear Power among Polish Business Students” Energies 15, no. 19: 7313.
Walter Leal Filho, Markus Will, Chris Shiel, Arminda Paço, Carla Sofia Farinha, Violeta Orlovic Lovren, Lucas Veiga Avila, Johannes (Joost) Platje, Ayyoob Sharifi, Claudio R.P. Vasconcelos, Barbara Maria Fritzen Gomes, Amanda Lange Salvia, Rosley Anholon, Izabella Rampasso, Osvaldo L.G. Quelhas & Antonis Skouloudis (2021), Towards a common future: revising the evolution of university-based sustainability research literature, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology,
Caniëls, M.C.J.; Lambrechts, W.; Platje, J.; Motylska-Kuźma, A.; Fortuński, B. (2021), 50 Shades of Green: Insights into Personal Values and Worldviews as Drivers of Green Purchasing Intention, Behaviour, and Experience, Sustainability, 13, 4140.
Caniëls, M.J.C., Lambrechts, W., Platje, J., Motylska-Kuźma, A., Fortuński, B. (2021), Impressing my friends: The role of social value in green purchasing attitude for youthful consumers Journal of Cleaner Production, 126993,
Leal Filho, W.; Hunt, J.; Lingos, A.; Platje, J.; Vieira, L.W.; Will, M.; Gavriletea, M.D. (2021), The Unsustainable Use of Sand: Reporting on a Global Problem, Sustainability, 13, 3356.
Leal Filho W, Abubakar IR, Nunes C, Platje J, Ozuyar PG, Will M, Nagy GJ, Al-Amin AQ, Hunt JD, Li C. (2021), Deep Seabed Mining: A Note on Some Potentials and Risks to the Sustainable Mineral Extraction from the Oceans, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 9(5):521.
Walter Leal Filho, Tony Wall, Gustavo J. Nagy, Fatima Alves, Luis Ricardo Fernández Carril, Chunlan Li, Serafino Mucova, Johannes Platje, Lez Rayman-Bacchus, Edmond Totin, Desalegn Y. Ayal, Johannes Lütz, Ulisses M Azeiteiro, Antonio Garcia Vinuesa, Aprajita Minhas (2021), The Impacts of the Early Outset of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Climate Change Research: implications for policy-making, Environmental Science & Policy,
Walter Leal Filho, Fernanda Frankenberger, Amanda Lange Salvia, Ulisses Azeiteiro, Fatima Alves, Paula Castro, Markus Will, Joost Platje, Violeta Orlovic Lovren, Luciana Brandli, Elizabeth Price, Federica Doni, Mark Mifsud, Lucas Veiga Ávila (2021), A framework for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in university programmes , Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 299, 126915,
Walter Leal Filho, Fernanda Frankenberger, Amanda Lange Salvia, Ulisses Azeiteiro, Fatima Alves, Paula Castro, Markus Will, Joost Platje, Violeta Orlovic Lovren, Luciana Brandli, Elizabeth Price, Federica Doni, Mark Mifsud, Lucas Veiga Ávila (2021), A framework for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in university programmes, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 299, 126915,
Leal Filho W, Brandli LL, Lange Salvia A, Rayman-Bacchus L, Platje J. (2020), COVID-19 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Threat to Solidarity or an Opportunity?, Sustainability, 12(13):5343.
Walter Leal Filho, Marina Kovaleva, Barbara Fritzen Gomes, Hubert Fudjumdjum, Kay Emblen-Perry, Johannes (Joost) Platje, Liza Tuladhar, Claudio R.P. Vasconcelos, Todd Jared LeVasseur, Aprajita Minhas, Carla Sofia Farinha, Marian Buil-Fabregá, Isabel Novo-Corti, Diana-Mihaela Țîrcă & Dênis Antônio da Cunha, Sustainability practices at private universities: a state-of-the-art assessment, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2020,
Leal Filho W, Eustachio JHPP, Caldana ACF, Will M, Lange Salvia A, Rampasso IS, Anholon R, Platje J,Kovaleva M. (2020), Sustainability Leadership in Higher Education Institutions: An Overview of Challenges, Sustainability, 12(9):3761.
Johannes (Joost) PLATJE, Grahame FALLON, Mehmet Baha KARAN, Wim WESTERMAN, Yoram KROZER, Markus WILL, Katarzyna KUREK, Johan VAN OPHEM (2020), Exchange of new ideas: towards a more open, cooperative and sustainable world, Central European Review of Economics and Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 117-132,
Edwin Woerdman, Yoram Krozer, Johannes (Joost) Platje (2020), The Legacy of Andries Nentjes, Central European Review of Economics and Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 9-14,
Johannes (Joost) PLATJE, Jeffrey A. HARVEY, Lez Rayman-BACCHUS (2020), COVID-19 – reflections on the surprise of both an expected and unexpected event, Central European Review of Economics and Management, Vol. 4, No. 1,pp. 149-162. doi:
Marta Jamontt, Karol Kociszewski, Johannes (Joost) Platje (2020), Wroclaw Participatory Budget as a tool to Strengthen Natural Capital and the Urban Climate Resilience in the Years 2016-2018, Studia Miejskie, 37, 65-77, 2020.
Lambrechts, W., Platje, J., Van Dam, Y. (2019), Guest Editorial – The University as an arena forsustainability transition, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 1101-1108. DOI 10.1108/IJSHE-11-2019-240
Platje, J., Will, M., Van Dam, Y., A fragility approach to sustainability – researching effects of education, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 20 No. 7, pp. 1220-1239.
Platje, J., The Capacity of Companies to Create an Early Warning System for Unexpected Events – an explorative study, Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, accepted for publication, 2019.
Platje, J., Zepeda Quintana, D.S., Motylska-Kuźma, A., Will, M., Conditions for Sustainable Business Development – a Polish-Mexican case study, [in:] Proceedings of the International Conference “Information Society and Sustainable Development”, accepted for publication, 2019.
Platje, J., Zepeda Quintana, D.S., Business Sustainability and Early Warning Systems, [in:] Leal Filho, W. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2019. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-63951-2_263-1
Platje, J., Will, M., Dudek, J. Slim, D., A Fragility Approach to Teaching Sustainable Transport, [in:] A. Bernaciak, T. Branka, Current challenges of local and regional development – book of abstracts, WSB University in Poznań, 2018, pp. 94-95.
Platje, J., Will, M., What is the Worst Thing that Can Happen? A simple exercise to communicating and reasoning about climate change, [in:] Handbook of Climate Change Communication, Vol. 2, pp. 111-128, 2017. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-70066-3_9
Platje, J., Knowledge, information and limitation to an efficiency approach to sustainable development, [in]: Velazquez Contreras, L. (ed.), International Sustainability Stories: Enhancing Good Practices, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, pp. 87-102, 2017. Available online:
Platje, J., Paradowska, M., Will, M., Limits to positive externalities of transport and infrastructure, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ECOTREND 2017, XIVth Edition, pp. 455-461, 2017.
Platje, J., Leal Filho, W., Wolfgang Gerstlberger, W., Ciegis, R., Kääriäe, J., Klavins, M., Kliucininkas, L., The Role of Governance in Realising the Transition towards Sustainable Societies, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 113 No. 1, pp. 755-766, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.11.060
Platje, J., Kampen, R., Climate Justice from a Club Good Perspective, International Journal of Climate Change Strategic Management, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 520-538, 2016. doi:
Platje, J., The Inclusion of Elements of Local Social and Environmental Sustainability in Logistics Education: A Case Study from Poland, [in:] Leal, W., Pace, P., Teaching Education for Sustainable Development at University Level, Springer International Publishers, Switzerland, pp. 285-298, 2016.
Platje, J., A fragility approach to campus sustainability – methodological explorations, WSB University in Wrocław Research Journal, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 5-17, 2016.
Platje, J., Efficiency Fragility and Unsustainable Development, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, Vol. 452, pp. 46-57, 2016.
Platje, J., Paradowska, M., Bukauskaitė, S., Rimkus, G., Heller, A., Sharapov, A., Magradze, N., Reflections on developing indicators for campus sustainability from a fragility perspective, WSB University in Wrocław Research Journal, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 57-61, 2016.
Platje, J., Cibulskiene, D., Gogitidze, A., Kuvshinov, V., Malyševa, L., Raišytė, K., Sofya Sharipko, S., Reflections on methods for assessing campus sustainability from a Lithuanian perspective, WSB University in Wrocław Research Journal, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 63-66, 2016.
Platje, J., Cibulskiene, D., Laurinavičiūtė, V., Nemeišytė, G., Osockyte, R., Urbelytė, R., Kupstys, Ž., Čuluunpurevas, E., Reflections on methodology for and the importance of indicators for campus sustainability – a Lithuanian case study, WSB University in Wrocław Research Journal, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 67-72, 2016.
Platje, J., Sustainability and Antifragility, Economic and Environmental Studies, Vol. 15 No, 4, pp. 469-477, 2015. Available online:
Platje, J., Beyond Resilience – new institutional economics, fragilities and indicators of unsustainability, Central and Eastern European Journal of Management and Economics, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 295-315. Available online:
Platje, J., A theoretical foundation for the European Union Cohesion Policy from the perspective of public goods and other market failures, [in]: Polityka Spójności i rozwój regionów Unii Europejskiej w Nowej Perspektywie Finansowej 2014–2020, 2015.
Platje, J., Burkatzki, E., Science and policy for sustainable development – bad scientific practice and plagiarism, published in the “World Sustainable Development Series” (WSSD), Springer Verlag, 2015.
Platje J., Paradowska M., European Sustainable Urban Development Policy in the Light of Priorities of the Strategy Europe 2020, Journal of Economics and Management, Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 95-107, 2015.
Platje, J. Will, M., Haidig, J., Dysfunctional Leadership – management in the CSR case, Central and Eastern European Journal of Management and Economics, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 155-160, 2015. Available online:
Platje, J., Łobos, K., Wilk, K., The Inclusion of Elements of Local Social and Environmental Sustainability in Logistics Education: A Case Study from Poland, published in: Leal, W. (ed.), Teaching Education for Sustainable Development at University Level, pp 285-298, 2015.
Platje, J., Minimizing redundancies and ways to deal with trade-offs in decision making with integrated management systems, Central and Eastern European Journal of Management and Economics, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 121-139, 2014. Available online:
Platje J., Paradowska M., Information Costs and Sustainable Transport, [in:] Bartniczak, B., Rogala, P. (eds.), Challenges of sustainable development. From environment protection to quality of life, pp. 52-62, Jelenia Góra, Wydawnictwo AD REM, 2014.
Platje, J., Physical Infrastructure and Logistics from the Perspective of Transaction Cost Economics, Central and Eastern European Journal of Management and Economics, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 35-46, 2013.
Platje, J., A theoretical assessment of the EU’s smart, sustainable and inclusive growth policy on resource use, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu (Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics), 2013, Nr 318, pp. 37-46.
Platje, J., Paradowska, M., Selected Socio-economic Aspects of using Biofuels in Poland, Transactions of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Vol. 4 No. 75, pp. 113-117, 2012.
Platje, J., Current Challenges in the Economics of Transport Systems – a stakeholder and club good approach, Logistics and Transport, Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 47-59, 2012.
Platje, J., Bujak, A., Challenges in Creating a Sustainable Transport Policy – a Polish-Ukrainian perspective, Archives of Transport System Telematics, Vol. 5 No. 4, pp. 21-25, 2012.
Platje, J., Słodczyk, K., The Role of Education in Preventing Diseases: a case study from Poland, [in:] Taylor, N., Littledyke, M., Quinn, F., Coll, R.K. (eds)., Health Education in Context – an international perspective on health education in schools and local communities, pp. 77-88, Rotterdam, Sense Publishers, 2012.
Platje, J., Why Transport Systems Never will be Sustainable, [in:] Platje, J., Karasioglu, F., Altan, M., Nachescu, M.L. (eds.), Conference Book – 1st International Conference on Sustainable Business and Transitions for Sustainable Development, pp. 199-203, Selcuk – Opole, Selcuk University – Opole University, 2012.
Platje, J., Local Governance’s Capacity to Direct its own Path of Sustainable Development, Prace Naukowe UE we Wroclawiu, 2012.
Platje, J., Sustainable Development as a Club Good, Prace Naukowe UE we Wroclawiu, Vol. 229, pp. 15-25, 2011.
Platje, J., The Level of Institutional Capital and some Challenges in Sustainable Development, Economic and Environmental Studies, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 99-116, 2011.
Platje, J., Priorities in sustainable development – a stakeholder analysis, Prace Naukowe UE we Wroclawiu, Vol. 83, pp. 13-20, 2009.
Platje, J., Słodczyk, K., Environmental Awareness and Challenges for Environmental Education in Poland: environmental; education in the context of transformation of the economic and political system, [in]: Taylor N., Littledyke M., Eames C., Coll R.K. (eds.), Environmental Education in Context: an international perspective on the development of environmental education, pp. 99-107, Rotterdam, Sense Publishers, 2009.
Platje, J., “Institutional Capital” as a Factor of Sustainable Development – the importance of an institutional equilibrium, Baltic Journal on Sustainability, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 144-150, 2008.
Platje, J., An Institutional Capital Approach to Sustainable Development, Management of Environmental Quality, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp. 222-233, 2008.
Platje, J., Kazimierowicz R., Krzekotowski J., Creating and Diffusing Scientific Information – some issues, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2008(11), pp. 107-120, 2008.
Platje, J., Difficulties with introducing radical eco-innovation in the car industry, Logistyka i Transport, Vol. 2 No. 7, pp. 69-73, 2008.
Platje, J., Logistic Centres as a Factor of Sustainable Development, [in:] Platje J., Nowakowski T. (eds.), Centra logistyczne w aspekcie zrównoważonego rozwoju, pp. 7-14, Wroclaw, CL Consulting i Logistyka Spółka z o.o., 2007.
Platje, J., Barriers in Achieving Sustainable Development of What?. [in:] Giordano K., Legutko-Kobus P. (eds.). The Prospects for International Collaboration in Environmental Protection and Implementation of Sustainable Development in the new EU Programming Period (2007-2013), pp. 47-57, Lublin, Publishing House of Catholic University of Lublin, 2007.
Platje, J., Knowledge and Sources of Information and Priorities on Sustainable Development in Higher Education, [in:] Leal Filho W., Manolas E., Sotirakou M., Boutakis G. (eds.), Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability, pp. 247-257, Soufli, Environmental Education Center of Soufli, 2007.
Platje, J., Knowledge and Sources of Information and Priorities on Sustainable Development in Higher Education in Poland and Lithuania, [in:] Haładyj A., Legutko-Kobus P. (eds.), Spatial Planning – social and environmental opportunities and threats, pp. 7-12, Lublin, Katolicki Uniwersytet Jana Pawła II, 2007.
Platje, J., Czarnecka, A., Dembicka, A., Najgebauer, Ł., Rokita, D., Stasiuk, A., Sustainable Development in the Opinion of Inhabitants of Opole, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2007(9), pp. 119-123, 2007.
Platje, J., The Level of National Income and Priorities in Sustainable Development, [in:] Kozłowski S., Haładyj A. (eds.), Sustainable Development at the National, Regional and Local Level – Polish experiences and their possible implementation in Ukraine, pp. 114-123, Lublin, Katolicki Uniwersytet Jana Pawła II, 2006.
Platje, J., Challenges in Introducing Sustainable Development Education at Universities – examples of Poland, [in]: Leal Filho W. (ed.), Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability, 24, Innovation, Education and Communication for Sustainable Development, pp. 177-193, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Verlagsgruppe, 2006.
Platje, J. “Institutional Capital” as a Condition for Sustainable Development at Different Levels of Territorial Scale. [in:] Preisner L. (ed.). Środowiskowe Bariery i Czynniki Rozwoju Gospodarczego Polski, pp. 184-192, Białystok, Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i Środowisko, 2006.
Platje, J., Who is Interested in what Kind of Sustainable Development? Time-horizons and stakeholder interests, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2006(8), pp. 13-20, 2006.
Platje, J., Development of freight rates in polish road transport – can polish forwarders compete on price with German fowarders? Logistyka i Transport, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 55-61, 2006.
Platje, J., Stasiuk, A., Some Preliminary Research on Awareness Concerning Sustainable Development and Healthy Food, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2005(7), pp. 207-215, 2005.
Platje, J., Kałasznik, D., Some Theoretical Issues of Comparing Urban and Rural Agro-Food Systems as a Factor of Local Sustainable Development in Different Regions, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2005(7), pp. 27-39, 2005.
Platje ,J., Urban and Rural Agro-Food Systems as a Factor of Local Sustainable Development – setting priorities and issues of governance, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2005(7), pp. 13-25, 2005.
Platje, J., New Institutional Economic Theory as a Basis for Urban Sustainable Development?, [in:] Sagan I., Smith D.M. (eds.), Society, Economy, Environment – towards the sustainable city, pp. 179-190, Gdańsk-Poznań, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2005.
Platje, J., An Analysis of Trends and Requirements for the Development of Sustainable Agriculture in Poland, [in:] NATO Science Series, Science and Technology Policy, 44, Ecological Agriculture and Rural Development in Central and Eastern European Countries, pp. 15-37, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2004.
Platje, J., Challenges and Opportunities for Ecological Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe, [in:] Ecological Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe. The Series “Economics and the Environment”, Vol. 32, pp. 7-14, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Opole, 2004.
Platje, J., Trzmielewski, L., Sustainability and Information Safety, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2004(6), pp. 279-287, 2004.
Platje, J., Access to Information in the Opole Region, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2004(6), pp. 271-277, 2004.
Platje, J., An Analysis of Trends and Requirements for the Development of Sustainable Agriculture in Poland, [in:] NATO Advanced Training Course on Ecological Agriculture, pp. 18-41, Hamburg, 1-3 December 2003.
Platje, J., Kałasznik, D., Kokoszka, A., Kubazki, G., Mijalska, E., A Case Study on Logistic Problems in the Collection of Refund Bottles, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2003(3), pp. 267-275, 2003.
Platje, J., Institutional and Logistic Problems in Waste Management, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2003(3), pp. 239-254, 2003.
Platje, J., Environmental Protection and Economic Development, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2002 (2), pp. 97-116, 2002.
Platje, J., Krzekotowski, J., Transport and Forwarding Companies on the EU Market and the Development of this Sector in Poland in the Face of EU Accession – from transport towards integrated advanced logistics, [in:] Olszewski L. (ed.), Ekonomia 9, Międzynarodowy Podział Pracy – Integracja Europejska – Integracja: Tendencje i Doświadczenie, pp. 233-246, Wroclaw, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 2001.
Platje, J., Transaction Costs under Plan, Market, and Transition, Economic and Environmental Studies, 2001(1), pp. 135-157, 2001.
Platje, J., Environmental Problems in the Baltic Region – possibilities to fight locally-specific, transboundary and global pollution within the context of awareness, priorities, and international co-operation, [in:] Platje J., Giacomin M.A. (eds.), Environmental Protection in the Baltic Region: awareness building and greenhouse gas emission reduction, pp. 21-32, Nordic Council of Ministers ANP 2001:703, 2001.
Platje, J., Queuing in Poland – a culture of waiting?, [in:] Pearce S.C., Sojka E. (eds.), Mosaics of Change: the first decade of life in the new Eastern Europe, pp. 365-385, Gdańsk, Gdańsk University, 2000.
Platje, J., Economic Transformation in Poland: a transaction cost approach, [in:] Olszewski L. (ed.), Ekonomia 5, Zmiany strukturalne w gospodarkach krajów Europy Centralnej i Wschodniej, pp. 161-177, Wroclaw, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1998.
Platje, J., Van der Gaast, W., Industrial Development in Poland, the Environment as a Boundary Condition, [in:] Olszewski L., Mozrzymas J. (eds.), pp. 161-182, Struktury Przemysłowe w Gospodarce, Wroclaw, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1997.